The most obvious sign of a squint is eyes that look in different directions. Squints can also cause: double vision; lazy eye(amblyopia) in young children where the vision is poor in the eye with the squint; and a squint can cause people to develop an abnormal position of the head.
If a squint is left untreated in young children, a lazy eye (amblyopia) can develop. The vision in the affected eye gradually deteriorates because the brain ignores the weaker message being sent from that eye. A lazy eye can be treated up until about six or seven years of age, but it must be treated as soon as possible.
Know about eyes treatment through the videos. And also you will get the every details of eye care.
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UmaPrem Netralay is the best eye care hospital in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. They have a good environment for every patient. It is established by Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta. Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta is an experienced Ophthalmologist and also a gold Medalist.
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Chitaipur, Varanasi Branch
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Badalalpur, Varanasi Branch
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