Retina Treatment

What is Retina?

The retina is the layer of tissue n the black of the eyes and it feels light senses & works to send images to the brain. In the center of this nerve tissue is the macula. It provides us central vision needed for reading, driving, sharpness, and seeing fine details. Retinal disorders affect your vital tissue. They can affect your eye vision, or some can be serious, maybe you can be blind.

Treatments Are Available
UMAPREM NETRALAY- Best Eye Hospital in Varanasi
Retinal Detachment

It is a disease that blurs the central vision of your eyes which is associated with the retina. The progression of the retina disease is gradual but it is most important to consult the eye doctor immediately. The ophthalmologist measures the severity of retinal detachment and then prescribes treatment.

UMAPREM NETRALAY- Best Eye Hospital in Varanasi
Retinal Vein Occlusions

This is referred to as eye stroke and it is a serious vascular disorder of the retina. The retinal vein carrying blood gets blocked or damaged leading to vision loss. The primary aim of the treatment is the stabilization of vision. The treatment ranges from eye injections to laser surgery. But it depends on the severity of the disease.

UMAPREM NETRALAY- Best Eye Hospital in Varanasi
Age-Related Macular Degeneration

It is a disease that blurs the central vision and it is also associated with the retina. This disease progression is also gradual so you must consult the best eye doctors. Here Umaprem Netralay has the best treatment for Age-Related Macular Degeneration. We have the latest tools for eye care. The treatment varies according to the type from nutritional therapy to laser surgery.

UMAPREM NETRALAY- Best Eye Hospital in Varanasi
Diabetic Retinopathy

In the Retina, it is a complication of diabetes in which blood vessels get damaged. If you ignore it then it leads to blindness. Diabetic Retinopathy best treatment is offered at Umaprem Netralay by our specialist doctors. Diabetic Retinopathy can be controlled by using many ways like eye injections, laser treatment, eye surgery, and medication.

Umaprem Netralaya is here to take care of your eyes because your eyes are very precious in your life

Medical Advice & Eye Check-Ups

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Medical Research Professionals

Only Qualified Doctors

Cutting Edge Facilities in All Branch

Affordable Prices For All Patients

Quality Care For Every Patient

(Frequently Asked Questions)


Answer: If you want to save your eyes in your life then it is so important. Here are the two reasons for regular retina treatment:

  1. The Retina Diseases are vision and silent loss.
  2. The Retinal damage is irreversible.
  3. The untreated retinal diseases can be vision loss or maybe you can blind.

Answer: Basically, the all-ages group affects retina diseases but commonly cases have come over the age of 50 years. Some examples are here who have high chances: joint problems, diabetics, premature babies, skin diseases, tumors, and etc.

Answer: It takes approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to conduct a comprehensive test. This test takes so much time because it is only after the retina is dilated that doctors get a chance to see the entire retina. Which shows the better position of your retina.

Answer: Yes, we have all types of treatment are available for all Retina Problems. Our hospital has advanced technology and specialist doctors.

Answer: Basically, retinal detachment is caused by eye injury and growing age. Many systemic conditions can be the reason for this. For example high blood pressure, diabetes, and much more. And it has a direct effect on the retina.

However, preventing retinal detachment is difficult. But by protecting the eyes from any kind of injury, the possibility of retinal detachment can be reduced or ruled out to a great extent. For example, sports persons or people riding bikes can protect their eyes by protecting them with glasses or eye shields.

To prevention, regular comprehensive eye check-up is compulsory every quarter. Retinal detachment is a medical emergency because it can be permanent blindness. Of if you have any symptoms occur then you should cosult first ophthalmologist doctors. Withou wasting any time and without any permanent damage to the your eyes. Becasue you can loss vision of your eyes.

Answer: Retinal detachment flashes are also called as “Photopsis”. A person whom retinal detachment they notices the different shapes in the front of them. The flashes could be:

Black spots
Squiggly lines
Spider-like structure
Curtain like shadows
Blurred and Peripheral vision
Threadlike structure
Foggy clouds

Consult To Doctor

For The Best Eye Treatments

So come fast and make your eyes better for a live life. We hope you will allow us to care for you and strive to be the first and best choice for healthcare.

Know about eyes treatment through the videos. And also you will get the every details of eye care.

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