Cataract Surgery is a safe operation that removes the clouded lens. And replaces it with a new artificial lens which is very clear. The artificial lens implant restores and improves eyesight. Laser-assisted technology is always used to do surgery.
When is an operation needed if a cataract is detected?
A cataract is a common disease and is caused by aging changes in the natural lens. Sometimes it can be in addition to the increasing age. It can also happen as a result of injury to your eyes, health problems, high blood pressure, or long-term use of medicine.
If you have a cataract and it interfaces in your daily life. Then the best eye doctors maybe suggest doing cataract surgery. If you ignore it then you can face many difficulties in your daily life or activities. After the surgery, the hazy lens is removed or replaced with a prosthetic lens. That results gives clear vision and eyes are restored.
There are also available Micro Incision Cataract Surgery (MICS) which is very good. It is very good to have cataract surgery through an incision less than 1.8 mm. It reduces surgical invasiveness and also improves surgical outcomes. Its main advantages are the control and avoidance of surgically induced corneal astigmatism. It also decreases postoperative corneal aberrations.
There are basically three types of Surgical treatments. And the surgical treatments are:
Answer: When you come to know that you have a cataract problem then you should first consult a doctor immediately. Then your doctor will tell you the right time to do a cataract operation. By the way, you can get a cataract operation done anytime in 12 months. The advanced technology at Umaprem Nethralaya makes the operation very easy. And this is done with a safe procedure with our expert doctors and experienced staff.
Answer: The Umaprem Netralay have excellent team of doctors and staffs with high experience of surgeries. And in the hospital have advanced technology system for surgery. So, the cataract surgery takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete. It takes about 3 to 4 hours for the patient from admission to discharge.
Answer: Cataract lenses (artificial lenses or IOLs) are designed to stay in your eyes for life without any discomfort. If the lens is implemented properly then it never gets damaged and there is no problem of any kind in the eyes.
Answer: Umaprem Netralay have experts in the clinical team who can take care of the patient it before or during the surgery without getting any difficulties.
Know about eyes treatment through the videos. And also you will get the every details of eye care.
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UmaPrem Netralay is the best eye care hospital in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. They have a good environment for every patient. It is established by Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta. Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta is an experienced Ophthalmologist and also a gold Medalist.
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